
Why Why Why

After the debacle over my B’day and anniversary, a husband constantly telling me that running was the miraculous cure for my weight-loss plateau and post-partum depression issues, and blown away by a friend who had finished a half marathon; in a fit – of enthusiasm or temper, or both, I have decided that I am going to do a half marathon.

But …

I hate running. I am not a runner. Heck, I’m not even a walker. Dragging myself to the gym for 45-60min is about all I can muster, and the nursery(and free 2hrs childcare) is my motivation not exercise.

Dancing, I love. 20min on the Elliptical, I can handle. But running! The only time in the past I’ve run was in Melbourne when Lee force-trained me to run the 5k around Albert Park (and then I got pregnant).

Ugh ….. Why did I attempt to do the impossible by registering for a HALF MARATHON???? An insanely long distance of 13.1 miles!! THIRTEEN POINT ONE MILES!!!  I don’t even like client projects which require me to drive more than 10 miles. 

It is done though. The registration fee is paid. There is no turning back. 
It is high time I started training seriously for the ING half in March in THREE SHORT MONTHS (Can you say I’m freaking out a bit?). As much as I hate running, I have to do it though. Its a personal goal. I have a million reasons why I need to do this for myself like seeing something through to completion (which might make my abandoned craft projects a little jealous).

Not the very least – I need to prove a point. Or two.

 I’m hoping that blogging my attempts will help me as I go through this insane, mad, crazy journey.
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