After the debacle over my B’day and anniversary, a husband constantly telling me that running was the miraculous cure for my weight-loss plateau and post-partum depression issues, and blown away by a friend who had finished a half marathon; in a fit – of enthusiasm or temper, or both, I have decided that I am going to do a half marathon.
But …
Dancing, I love. 20min on the Elliptical, I can handle. But running! The only time in the past I’ve run was in Melbourne when Lee force-trained me to run the 5k around Albert Park (and then I got pregnant).
Ugh ….. Why did I attempt to do the impossible by registering for a HALF MARATHON???? An insanely long distance of 13.1 miles!! THIRTEEN POINT ONE MILES!!! I don’t even like client projects which require me to drive more than 10 miles.
Not the very least – I need to prove a point. Or two.