Where do you see yourself in 5 years

Where do you see yourself in 5 years?

Where do you see yourself in 5 years
I love making plans, long term plans. For someone who is very detail oriented in her real life job, I do a of long term planning otherwise! What races will I run, what places shall we visit, what big ticket items are we buying and saving for, … 

Family – I’ll officially have one teenager and one tween. Help! I assume Mr. FauxTriathlete will be just as busy in 5 years as he is now but hopefully we can add in some great family moments in there. And I hope I can convince my parents to come for at least one visit here from India.  

Hopefully she'll still want to wear the TShirt in 5 years!
Hopefully she’ll still want to wear the TShirt in 5 years!

Work – The next few months will be a lot soul searching and how I can continue what I want to do as the minions grow and need more of my attention. I love what I do and I know I will be working in the field but maybe in slightly different angles.   Screen Shot 2015-08-22 at 8.36.36 AM     Active Life – Five years ago, if you’d told me that I’d still be running after those first few steps, I’d have laughed. But with running and triathlons, I’ve truly found something that I am going to continue in years to come. This past year, I’ve grown so much. Not just because I’m training for a 70.3 triathlon, but also because of my mental shift in the way I view races.  Peachtree Road Race     Extra Curriculars – I’ve given up going back to knitting/crochet like I used to. But I have had gardening and art in my mind. I’d like to pick up one hobby that doesn’t need me to run around, literally.  I had so much fun painting this. Sadly, I am not artistic but I’d love to learn to do a larger painting.  Screen Shot 2015-08-22 at 8.31.57 AM   Volunteering/NonProfit/Raise Awareness – This is been in my mind a lot lately and I’ve been taking baby steps towards contributing to it. I know for sure that I want to be involved more and make a difference. Maybe next year this time, I’ll have a more clear path to follow.   I fundraised for JDRF for the Dopey Weekend 2015 and even though I was only a small drop in the peripherals, it piqued my interest in wanted to learn to more and be more involved.  Screen Shot 2015-08-22 at 8.34.27 AM  

Where do YOU see yourself in 5 years?

Joining CourtneyMar, and Cynthia in Friday Five LinkUp

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