Training Recap

Training Recap: The non-Snowpocalypse

When I looked at my Training Peaks at the beginning of the week, even though I was waiting on the next week’s schedule, I had a premonition that this week was going to be the last of my “easy” weeks. 

Or maybe this conversation gave me the premonition.

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Mike is not one to make idle threats, so I better heed!

So I tried to use this week to continue on the routine that I had got going last week. I know that it will be all thrown out of whack with the minions schedules, but if I can firm up what is in my hands, then that is half the battle won.  

I missed just one workout (run) this week, but I’d be lying if I said that everything else was peachy. 

My swim was … a bit all over the place, for the lack of a better word. At times I felt like I was swimming smoothly and maybe I found the missing key. Then immediately on the next turn I’d feel like I was floundering and my hips were sinking again. 

As fas as my bike – my poor bottom has gotten to the point that it shudders and cringes when I reach for the bike shorts. It will get better. It will get better. It will get better. So I will keep telling myself until it really does. This week’s rides also reminded that me that I need to go back to try another saddle. The saddle (mis)adventures make up a nice blog on its own (Shawna of Building Block’s posts on saddle issues have scared me!).

Monday was originally a day off of work for President’s day, but with the minions in school. Then came the non-Snowpocalypse. So it was a complete Rest day.

Tuesday, unfortunately the non-snowpocalypse was carried forward and schools were closed for a second day. That also meant that my pool was closed and I had to say good bye to my swim. 
We have recently fixed up our home theater and snow day meant that the minions wanted to watch something over the big screen. So it was the next episode of Christopher Eccleston’s Doctor Who (The Long Game) that kept me entertained as I rode my bike trainer for my 60 minutes ride to nowhere.

Representing Team JDRF

Although  I loved spending two bonus days with my minions, and more importantly not have to scramble to get to things, Wednesday back to school was a welcome relief. I made up for my missed swim from Tuesday. I know the rule of no missed workouts very well, but this is a rare time that I took that liberty without asking Mike. I knew the rest of the week was busy and I didn’t want to miss out on atleast 2 swims/week.
I got in a good hill repeat session at lunch time on the treadmill. After 3 weeks of struggling to do hill repeats on the treadmill, it finally felt like I got used to it and broke through. It was just as painful, but wasn’t completely undoable. 

Thursday was the same routine as Tuesday. Back to the pool and a trainer ride. 

Friday 45 minutes of base running on the treadmill.

Saturday I could’ve planned the day better and gone out running with Mr. FauxTriathlete. But instead I got my trainer ride in with 3 sets of 15min hard ride with 5min of rest in between. 

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Sunday had 1hr on the plan for run, but it was my minion’s 9th birthday and we were on the go all day. I had a small window that I planned to run, but she asked to play a board game. Birthday girl gets a pass! And while I’m sorry that I didn’t run, this is one non-run that I don’t regret. 

Honorable Mention

Zelle, Runners World’s sister publication, ran a story on Valentines Day featuring couples who run. I had submitted our story and they featured Mr. FauxTriathlete and I! 

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How was your week in training? Did the weather bring changes to where you live and did that affect your training schedule?

I’m Linking up with Tara from Running’n’Reading for the Weekend Update and with Jessica from rUnLadyLike for her week-in-review LinkUp.

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