Training Recap – Doing things that are Fun!

Training Recap – Doing things that are Fun!

Every once in a while, you find yourself in the middle of things and they make you go “Huh? Why exactly am I doing this?” and then you realize that you do it because you are enjoying it, even though it might not serve a bigger purpose. This week’s training recap highlights that for me.


Started off the week with a PR – a back squat 1 rep PR of 75lbs (!!!). Wowzers! I know it was only 1 rep, but I never thought I’d be able to squat that. I used to think that squating 45lbs was the most awesome thing ever. I had easily squatted 3 reps of 55lbs last week, so I knew a bigger PR was coming, but just didn’t realize that I’d hit this number. Of course, the shoulder press soon brought me back to normalcy.

Back Squat and Shoulder Press for Strength at 5-3-1-1-1-1
“Fran” (Thrusters, Pull Ups) 21-15-9


This was one of the days that life interfered and my husband had to travel in the last minute. So I missed out on my cross fit and short run. Instead I cleaned and in the evening took the minions for a walk and we finished up with them learning a little tennis.


Since the Diva’s Half Marathon at Peachtree City is 14 weeks away, it is time for me to work on that birthday goal! I did a track workout with Big Peach Running Co, our local running store. The workout was a 400-300-200 ladder, which unfortunately I only had time to do 2 of. I’m looking to make this a regular; nothing like having company in misery!

Because I had a shorter than I expected track workout, I took the extra time I had to get a swim in. The swim was much more smooth than last week (but just as slow!). It feels good to be in the water!

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Back on track after almost a year.


The plan was to attend the 5:30am cross fit class and then join in for a bike ride. But a late night with the kids made me rollout of bed a tad too late to make to cross fit class.  I grabbed a bit of extra sleep when I realized that I wasn’t going to be able to make it to 5:30am. So I suppose, in a way, it worked out.

We rode for 15 flat miles at my slow pace. I kept thinking that I’d have been served better towards my upcoming races if I had chosen to run instead. But as I was feeling the wind blow through my helmet on the slightly windy morning, I realized why I agreed to ride. It was fun! And riding with a friend is even more fun! No matter that there is no triathlon I need to train for this year.

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Breakfast date!


A week of only 2 cross fit classes, but both classes was PR. This time, it was a power clean PR of 60lbs after failing at 65lbs. I was actually surprised and impressed that I was able to PR since the cleans aren’t exactly an easy lift for me.

Power Clean of 5-3-1-1-1-1
5 rounds of (10 dumbbell Burpees, 7 toe to bar, 4 hang clean, 100meter run)


I had some “kid emergency” that needed Mummy instead of Daddy to take care of things and ended up missing the group run. But it turned out to be a blessing in disguise when hubby and I ended up with 2 hours of free time. Together. I asked him if he would run with me and he agreed. It was great first 5.5ish miles with us both talking and laughing. And then the heat began to get to me (I think) and I had a sucky 2 miles before I pulled it together for the last half a mile.

8 miles @ 12:54 pace.

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Best breakfast date ever!


I had a short, easy run planned but ended up riding with my Dopey buddy. Longest ride of 25 miles. The ride felt a little better than last time, although I still felt every little low grade incline on the “flat” Silver Comet. It was a gorgeous day too, so no regrets about going out for the ride. We ran for a mile after the bike and I’m beginning to understand what triathletes mean by “bike legs”. The run was more to shakeout our legs rather than any real mileage.

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25/1 miles for breakfast


Got a training week recap you’d like to share? Leave a link for us to read your journey and progress.


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