Training Recap

Summer Holidays 2018 Recap

Summer has flown by and school has started in our neck of woods, and hopefully the blog can emerge from woodworks too! It’s been way too long since I’ve consistently written – in part because of summer schedules and in part because of injury and not wanting to whine about it. So maybe instead of a weekly recap, this should be a season recap of the summer holidays! So let’s see what we did over summer … 

We ended the school year with a wonderful Mommy and daughter trip to Disney and the other kid had a great solo trip to Colorado for the Science Olympiad National Competition.


We spent every single day possible in the pool!!! Thank God for InstantPot and 5min dinner prep while I was watching the minions at the pool. 


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We started our summer with the minions doing their kids triathlon events. The PeachKids is a great event put on by Georgia Multisport and is small and the perfect size for new to triathlon kids. Minion 1 (who at 12years old refuses to be called that anymore and would rather be called Ms. FauxRunner) discovered the effects of racing without proper training, and the younger one *almost* podiumed.

Kids Triathlon

We did our summer swim league with some of minion2’s swim friends and she had a ton of fun. The older minion  too FINALLY came out of her shell towards the end and would say hello to other girls instead of standing there awkwardly.

Ms. FauxRunner ran the Peachtree Road Race 10k with me and dad. We were both injured (she had a bad treadmill fall and shinned her legs a week before) and took it slow. She appears to have had fun until she couldn’t take my continued antics (in my defense, it’s the Peachtree – a 10k 4th of July party on the streets of Atlanta!) and finished on her own.

We hiked quite a bit to prepare for our summer vacation trip, including hiking in my favorite North Georgia Mountains at the Approach to the Appalachian Trail.

That brings us to our BIG trip of the summer – Grand Tetons and Yellowstone National Parks! That is a post (or two) on it’s own but here’s a teaser photo of one of the most gorgeous places! 

Grand Tetons

Now that summer holidays is over and we are back to routine and I’m back from injury (fingers crossed), I can start writing more and not neglect this little corner.

These are some of the weekly linkups hosted by great bloggers. Check out some of the posts in the linkups.

Meatless Monday – Confessions of a Mother Runner and A Whisk and Two Wands
Tunes Tuesday (first Tuesday of the month) – KookyRunnerRun With No Regrets and RunSteffRun
Tuesdays on the Run –No Guilt LifeMCM Mama RunsMarcia’s Healthy Slice
Running Coaches Corner – Running on HappySuz LyfeCrazy Running Girl and Coach Debbie Runs
Friday Five 2.0 –Running on Happy and Fairytales and Fitness
Weekly Wrap up – HoHoRuns  and Taking the Long Way Home

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