After my scare with my knee a couple of weeks ago (in detail at the bottom of this post) and hesistant about starting a strength training routine just 12 weeks from my marathon, I read up on strength training DURING marathon training (on Active articles, Jason Fitz’s Strenght Running, Jeff’s Runners Connect and more). These were simple short exercises that isolated muscle groups and worked to “activate” them. So glute exercises were meant to activate the glutes – often dormant in many of us to the point that we are quad dominant when we run/bike/squat/lunge. The key to these exercises are slow and controlled. And the beauty – they only take 15minutes of my day, and I can do it even in work clothes!
Like with anyother program, I want to start easy and build up. And I’ve found this routine to be perfect for me to start off with. I plan to do these for a month, 3 days/week and then move to the second step in mid February. Disclaimer: I’m not a professional and I do not claim to have any expert knowledge. This routine is what I’ve been using.
1. Planks
Lie on your stomach and prop your weight on your forearms and toes. Keep a straight line from your head to your feet, and hold this position for the entire exercise. Repeat on each side. I do these for 2-3 sets of 20 seconds each
2. Clam Shell
Once you are comfortable, you can add a resistance band.
3. Leg Lifts
Supine Leg Lift: Lie on your back with your weight on your elbows and heels. Lift your hips and keep a straight line from your toes to your shoulders. Lift one leg about eight inches off the ground, hold for several seconds, and repeat with the opposite leg.
4. Bridge
Lie on your back with your feet flat on the ground. Lift your hips so there is a straight line from your shoulders to your knees. Extend one leg straight out, hold for several seconds, then put it back down on the ground and repeat. Make sure your hips don’t dip and don’t allow your butt to sag to the ground.
5. Modified Bird Dog
In a table position, lift your left arm so it’s parallel to the ground. At the same time, lift your right leg so your thigh is parallel to the ground and your shin is perpendicular. Your knee should be bent at 90 degrees and your glute muscles activated. Hold for several seconds and switch sides.
How did I settle on this routine?
A few weeks ago, I had a scare when I discovered a sore spot around my knees. (I call it a scare because I take anything other than normal overall fatigue seriously. I do not run or train through pain or isolated sore areas.) My usual call is to run to my sports chiropractor, but without my insurance covering a visit, I hesitated. Especially as I could feel the soreness everytime I moved my leg beyond a certain range of motion. I took a day’s rest and gave my hips & glutes some TLC and foam rolled it. I could immediately see the difference the next day – that back pain that I’d wake up with every morning had decreased significantly.
And therein, I self diagnosed. My hips and glutes were tight and were also weak. So that was radiating down to my knees. (This wasn’t a ground breaking or quack diagnosis. I’ve had my sports chiropractor tell me as much in the past when I’ve had similar issues – It’s all in the hips.). With an all important London Marathon coming up, I knew I needed to get down to business and work on this. Like I mentioned, in the past I’ve gone to my chiropractor and massage therapists, but I also know that care starts with me. So with the nudge I needed from my insurance and a talk with my chiropractor, I started on a basic routine of simple exercises to strengthen hips and glutes; and core, since everything starts from the core.
Let’s pause for a minute and talk strength training.
When I think strength training, my mind immediately goes to weights. While I love a good weight training routine, my issue has been with juggling weight training with my marathon (or tri) training. Since I’m not a ninja who can straight up get up and run 8-10 miles easy (I know plenty of people who can do that!), I have to run and build up my mileage for the marathon. To run a marathon, I need run specific training. Anytime I’d do weights, I’d be so sore the next two days that my runs were miserable; when my running was speedwork, it didn’t feel right to run speed on fatigued legs.
So starting a routine with weights when I’m only 12 weeks out from my marathon wasn’t a smart idea.
I turned my thoughts to this idea that I came across as I kept searching for “strength training for runners and triathletes” and I read a lot about strength training DURING marathon training. These were simple short exercises that isolated muscle groups and worked to “activate” them. So glute exercises were meant to activate the glutes – often dormant in many of us to the point that we are quad dominant when we run/bike/squat/lunge. The key to these exercises are slow and controlled. And the beauty – they only take 15minutes of my day, and I can do it even in work clothes!
What do you do to strengthen your hips and glutes? What do you do during your off-season and during your peak season?
Does your strength training target certain areas or are you into overall strength training or no-strength training focused on endurance sports?
I’m joining the Friday Five Link Up hosted by DC area bloggers Eat Pray Run DC, Mar on the Run and You Signed Up For What?! and And Jill for Fitness, Health & Happiness Link-Up!
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