If anyone followed me back when I was training for my first marathon, they’d know how petrified I was of my race and how I made sure that I never took extended breaks from training. Which meant – no vacations that spring and summer of 2011. It annoyed Mr. FauxTriathlete, but at least the minions were young enough. This time around, while training for another first, I’m looking back at the training hours and a vacation is definitely needed! To keep the family satisfied until the next 4 months. So when this trip to Phoenix came up, and he proposed a family vacation, I jumped in and planned a cool tour of the national parks nearby.
We have spent the first few days in Phoenix (Desert Ridge) and even though I’ve had the kids with me, I’ve managed to get some part of my training runs and a bit of the “bike” ride in.
Running in Phoenix has meant early runs (Really early! A 5:30am start with the sun shining brightly!). But the FLAT terrain with various cacti along the path was nice to enjoy. Mr. FauxTriathlete ventured out into to the “desert” and ran along a trail with nothing but desert plants. I was a little less adventurous and ran along the resort path.
As a bonus to my visit to Phoenix, I got to meet my high school friend after 23 years!!
And I had the cutest partner while “biking” 🙂
Next up – running and hiking in Sedona!
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