Race Start : 7:30am
Expected time to cross start from Open Corral: 7:45-8am
Meeting the rest of the Get Fit Atlanta folks on the steps of the art institute : 6:30-7:00am
Leave hotel: 6:00am (Take the bus from the hotel to the race start)
Breakfast of bread with almond butter and 1/2 banana: 5:30am
Wake up :4:30am
Fueling strategy
1 Gu packet every 45min/3.5 miles until 18 miles
1 Clif Shot blocks every 20min/1.5 miles until 18 miles (The shot blocks go inbetween each Gu interval)
After 18 miles, 1 Gu packet every 30min / 2.5miles.
After 18 miles, 1 Clif Shot blocks every 10min/1mile or 2 clif shot blocks every 20min.
Handful of goldfish at 15, 20 and 25 miles. And 3-4 inbetween every 2 miles if I feel like it.
Sports been to suck on after 18 miles as needed.
Pacing Strategy
Assuming ideal weather conditions and that I don’t fall sick from this streph/croup my 2yo has caught or I don’t have GI issues.
Until the crowd thins out and allows me to run my pace – no faster than 13:20 (anything slower is acceptable)
Until Mile 15 : 13:10
Mile 15 – Mile 18 : 12:45 (for an avr pace of 12:59) if I’m feeling good, if not keep going at 13:10
Mile 18 – Mile 20 : Same as above. Keep at 12:45 if I’m feeling good, if not try to stay at 13:10
Mile 20 – Mile 25 : Whatever goes.
Mile 25+ : Go for it.