
Friday Five: January RUNfessions

That saying that “Running is cheaper than therapy”. Very true. There is nothing like unburdening your soul to your running friends with the unspoken rule that what’s said on the road, stays on the road. But there are still somethings that you don’t get to talk to your BRFs about perhaps because there are other more important things to be talked about or just because you haven’t run with your usual b!tching friends (you know – those friends with whom floodgates open up in seconds without hesitation or formality) in a while. That’s what the blog is for. For the whole world of interwebz to know something that you want to confess. I loved this idea from Marcia and I’m joining in my first RUNfession! 


I haven’t been to the pool the entire month of January. Not . one . single . time. I meant to go twice/week to masters, but then I was sick the first week of Jan, and then the minion was sick and then I got overwhelmed with having to catch up with marathon training and decided to keep things simple and cut everything out other than running. But without improving my swim, I’ll be stuck forever in DFL place in local triathlons.

Dopey Challenge

I loved the Dopey Challenge last year and I was so sad when I didn’t sign up again this year (mainly because I wanted to give the family a break after the long training days and race week of Dopey and Ironman 70.3 Augusta last year). I felt envious and left out when my other Dopey pals lined up for the 5k. But then nothing. There was no more allure of the mouse or the medals. And I went about my way without a pang – that was a weird feeling. And I can’t quite explain the change in me. Dopey Challenge

My First Race of the year

was a DNS. It was a free trail race. But Minion #1 came down with flu the night before and I had a DNS (did not start) to take her to the urgent care (and it was bitterly cold that morning). Not really the best of starts to my already sparse racing calendar. And my third trail race that I DNSed in my running “career”. Is that a hint for me to not sign up for trail races??

Screen Shot 2016-01-31 at 7.56.06 PM My misplaced “Safe” place

InkNBurn released the most gorgeous steampunk design on long sleeve shirt. Amazing really. I ordered it the very first day it was available and when it came – I put it in a safe place and now I can’t remember where the safe place is. Sadly, this is not the first item that has gone missing in my safe place. I KNOW there’s only one or two or three … places it could be, and yet I can’t think of where.  InknBurn Steampunk

Weight Loss Goals

It’s no secret that I need to loose pounds. And it’s no secret that I’m doing (almost) everything I can try for this – I’ll say I’m good 85% of the time. And yet, my scale refuses to budge. Maybe I need to do something drastic like cut out carbs and sugar completely or go all natural for 3o days. But it is also hard for me to complete deprive myself – I don’t have that mental strength when I’m cooking for the rest of the family. 

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Linking up with Marcia from on RunFessions and the Friday Five Link Up hosted by DC area bloggers Eat Pray Run DCMar on the Run and You Signed Up For What?! 

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