When I take up any new undertaking, I put my heart and soul into it and work on putting together everything I can possibly know about the race. The Augusta Half Ironman course preview was one such undertaking that I think a lot of other athletes will benefit from. So this page is a comprehensive list of all my articles and all the articles I used to refer on the interwebz.
My articles about the Augusta Half Ironman
Augusta Half Ironman Race Report
Augusta Half Ironman Training Camp
Augusta Half Ironman Course Preview
Course Preview for Augusta Half Ironman
Bike and Run Course Video Playlist on You-Tube
The Great Potato Chip Experiment – A bag of potato chip floats down the river in faster than the cutoff time (1:10). This is a great booster for newbie/scared swimmers
My Augusta Half Ironman Course Preview
rUnLadyLike’s Bike Course Preview
Augusta Visitor’s Information (where to eat, play, sleep, etc)
Augusta Sports Council Information
Other Augusta Half Ironman Race Reports
Gary Willie’s Race Report (hosted here on FauxRunner)
Sharon Howell (Also check out Sharon’s Camp Experience)
Tri Runner Rick punching a ticket to 70.3 World Championships
Have you written a race report or course preview or anything else about the Augusta Half Ironman? Send me a link so I can include it in this list.
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