Races Running

Heroes in Recovery 6k

2 weekends ago, I ran a rather usual race – the Heroes in Recovery 6k. Instead of a regular 5k distance, this had an extra km.

“The Roswell Heroes 6K is a unique run/walk presented by Foundations Atlanta. A Heroes in Recovery 6K is a 3.728 mile race that brings together those in recovery, their loved ones, supporters of the cause and whole communities in order to break the stigma surrounding addiction and mental health conditions. It takes a heroic effort to live clean and sober each day, and a Heroes 6K celebrates that effort.

The sixth kilometer separates a Heroes race from a typical 5K to symbolize the extra effort it takes to sustain recovery. The six kilometers also represent the six letters in the word HEROES. These races inspire communities to support recovery and also to live healthy, active lifestyles.”
– See more at: http://www.heroesinrecovery.com/heroes6k/roswell-ga/#sthash.SNvjtqBB.dpuf

I can’t remember the last time I did a shorter distance race! I’ve been so caught up in the “bling and more bling” mentality that I’ve quite forgotten the little delights!! A Facebook friend posted about this race, and the cause was something that resonated with me and I asked to sign up. The fact that the race was FLAT might have also added to my enthusiasm.

Race day was relaxed. Well, as relaxed as I could possibly get knowing my personality.

I had pacing strategy and I think I followed it very well!

I lined up at the very back, as I always do. Mistake! And spent the first quarter mile dodging people and having to stop because people were either out of oomph or because they were walking 5 abreast in the small trail. And in that beginning, I panicked a little – wondering if I would hit my pace since I was doing close to zero running.

After that it was nice and smooth. I settled into a pace and increased it after the first mile. And easily negative split it. When the last km came along, I just ran without looking at the pace and came in :30sec faster than goal pace. And still had energy to go back for 1 mile cool down.

Heros in Recovery
Such a fun atmosphere!


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Eedee won her age group!

The BEST, the absolute best was of the race was actually not the race itself –  It was an unknown cheerleader who left this sign for me!

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At about mile 1, I couldn’t stop smiling after that!
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“Geaux Faux Geaux” on the return. Gave me all the adrenalin and more for the last km.

I’ve been “racing” since March 2010 and even though Mr. FauxTriathlete has come by with the kids to some, I’ve never had a sign made just for me. (On the other hand, I’ve been supermom and we had awesome signs for both his first marathon and his first 70.3!) .

These were my first personalized cheer signs and so obviously, I’m super enthused about them.!

Post race Analysis

No matter how fun, I *have* to do this! Only this time (and going forward), there will be two analysis!

My analysis

I can’t think of anything that went wrong in the short 6k. Left to myself, I would have run much faster (relative term “fast”). But it was just as well that I got advice to take it easy since this isn’t my “A” race.

I felt great the whole run on 1/2 banana and Generation UCan about 1hr earlier.
I didn’t feel like the two weeks of running slow (in my mind) did anything against my ability to run the race at a slightly faster pace.
I was confident and smooth all the miles, even talking to a little boy and encouraging along the last km.
I could’ve run a couple more miles at the pace if needed. I wasn’t trashed when I got home, so obviously I didn’t go all out.
AND, this race was actually my fifth run in as many days!

The other analysis

I had negative splits and a consistent HR (11:45, 11:37, 11:24, 10:47).
And that indicated that I could actually run faster (ha!). So I now “graduate” to adding in small amounts of speed intervals into my weekday runs.

All I can say is that I’m excited and motivated to continue training for my A race. I think that’s the BEST about having a goal that I’m to stick to and a plan to get to the goal. No more getting distracted (not by much anyway 😉 ). Focus on the big picture.

How do you approach a race that is obviously not your goal race? Do you go for it or restrain yourself?
How many fun races do you run enroute to your goal race?

What has been your favorite sign that someone made for YOU?

Connect with me  on other social channels for more tips, inspiration and fun!

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