General Fitness Goals

#EngageTheBasics April Challenge

Barbara created this challenge as a means for us to remember the basics needed to continue on our journey to being a stronger runner.

Taking all of 8 minutes, it consists of

  • 2minutes foam rolling (I added in 5 min instead of 2, as I can never get anything done in 2min)
  • 1 minute plank
  • 1 minute side planks (30 sec. Each side)
  • 1 minute push-ups (however you need to do them- knees, stability ball, etc.)
  • 1 minute clam shells (30 Each side)
  • 1minute glute bridges (30 each side)
  • 1minute hip hikes
Rules for the Challenge
There are none 🙂
Just do them everyday, atleast once. In any order. Post/comment/tweet about it with #EngageTheBasics if you wish.
Here is how you can spread the word and get involved
  • Sign up for the challenge – Leave a comment, committing to the challenge. Encourage me and be encouraged.
  • Pin the challenge image and pass on the motivation.
  • Tweet/Facebook with #EngageTheBasics if you so feel inclined to.
Some references to get you started
So – who’s in?
Are you attempting any challenge or planning to start one? Let me know so I can cheer you on.
You can continue the 5:5:5 challenge too! I plan to alternate b/w the two in the AM and PM

If you like the challenge and like to get more of working out with me, follow me on facebook at and twitter @fauxrunner.

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