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Category: Life

Hug A Runner Day

Hug A Runner Day

Yesterday was National Hug-A-Runner Day. (Who came up with the idea, I wonder!) Great time to stock up on those hugs from my favorite runners. Pity my camera died at the start of the night 🙁 Andrea, who introduced me to Get Fit and encouraged me when I started running Coach Michael and I Kate aka ‘Princess Peach’ Lorraine of Run Wifey Run, my Chicago training partner! The incorrigible BJ and Coach David. And then my phone went kaput.  And…

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10 Running Related Personal Questions

10 Running Related Personal Questions

I was so so so honored and thrilled to be tagged by Sarah at Another Mother Runner for 10 Running Things you don’t know about me (although people might know all this about me already).  Best Run Ever  Although not recent, my 21 miles from training for Chicago Marathon last year is one I can’t forget. My running group had scheduled an information session on prepping for the big day. I wasn’t even sure if I would finish 21 miles but my…

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Start them Young!

Start them Young!

We ambushed met Daddy after his 8 mile run at the Chattahoochee River Trails and dragged him along with another mile.  The girls ran, sweated, laughed, fell down(!), whined, walked, complained, ran some more, all the while sipping on “juice water” aka water added with Nuun Hydration Tablets. We must’ve met atleast 5 people who declared that my older girl’s running skirt was the prettiest on the trail 🙂 They also biked some, but that was a collosal failure and a…

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Travel BFFs

Travel BFFs

Staying in a conservative neighborhood where I don’t dare break conventions by going out for a run in public, my new BFFs are – walking– yoga– planks, planks and more planks (I can hear myself say – ‘Drop and give me 20 seconds’) While it means that I’ll have depleted my running base in the 3 weeks here, at least I’m maintaining some flexibility and maintaining my sanity.

Cultural Differences

Cultural Differences

Traveling to visit my parents, half way across the globe has given me a new perspective about how big a role running plays in my life. Since I’ve been here a week I’ve – slept a ton to overcome jetlag – been stuck in this horrible horrible traffic for hours every time I venture out – eaten a ton of unhealthy but oh-so yummy food available only here in India – walked with my parents instead of run; which gets…

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