
Visual Accountability

I’ve been very proud of my weight loss and running goals. And the past few weeks has been amazing and made me feel even more proud. I was featured on #runchat and on Another Mother Runner: Follow this Mother . People who have known me from ages ago have commented on how much I’ve changed – not just my size, but also my outlook towards exercise and having fun!

I’m very proud, so very proud.

But … in the short term

  • I’ve gained about 8-10lbs since March and New Orleans Marathon. Post-marathon, India Trip, Injuries that limited running especially speedwork. Plenty of excuses. But the fact is – I haven’t been able to lose those pounds like I thought I would be able to from running.
  • Almost every 2-3 weeks, I make a resolution to eat better (more vegetables and whole grains). I log my food diary and count calories in My Fitness Pal app. I am almost always meeting/under my calories and then I wonder why I haven’t lost weight.
  • And then there is “just this one won’t do any harm” logic that I’ve applied to a LOT of things. Lunch/dinner outside, an extra freshly baked bread slice, a dip in the ghee, an extra bowl of icecream/dessert, something traditional Indian and fried, ….
  • I tried going to a nutritionist, and although she was great, I failed to follow through.

In the meantime, Lorraine from Run Wifey Run started her #DoBetter project to move from Good to Better and she has been posting food journal photos for the past few weeks. At first I looked at it out of mild interest on what she snacks on. Then I realized that her photos started including a lot more veggies and good stuff as she started to think about what she was eating.

I am totally jumping on the #DoBetter bandwagon with Lorraine and am hoping that a visual photo journal will help better accountability and follow through for me.

My Nutrition Goals 

  • Eat overall healthy because that is what nourishes and comforts my body, not “comfort” food.
  • Get back to my 145lbs weight first. (Do I need to give it a time frame? How about Nov 18, Philly Marathon. Pretty aggressive given that I’ll be running Chicago in 2 weeks).

Sounds simple enough, right? I’m going to stick to it and see how I can improve things!

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