The week in numbers

The week in numbers


  • Total Miles: 23
  • Long Run: 11 miles with GFA (that I kicked a$$)
  • Peachtree Road Race 10k that I sadly missed my time goal
  • Cross Training: Swimming on Wednesday
  • Strength Training: FAIL (Too spent from the Peachtree on Monday and never recovered)
Daily Splits
  • M: Peachtree Road Race 10k in 1:17:13 (6.4 miles on my Garmin @12:05). Was aiming for 1:15:30.
  • T: –   Pity party on missing the time goal at Peachtree
  • W: Swimming 30min, 2 miles junk to loosen my legs
  • Th: 45min Tempo, 3.5 miles total. 
  • F: – 
  • S: 10.86 miles with GFA @ 13:15 (An awesome run where I took Nickajack bull hill by the horns!)
  • Su: – (Planned stretching, but never got around to it)
Plan for Next Week
  • M: Stretching, Upper Body weights, Interval Speed training session at the Track.
  • T: 6 miles easy Run, Ab Ripper
  • W: Swimming, Upper Body Weights
  • Th: 45 min Tempo, Ab Ripper
  • F: –
  • S: 5+7 (12 Miles) with GFA
  • Su: Stretching + Foam Roller
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