
8 Days to Marine Corps Marathon – What if I fly

It’s 8 days to Marine Corps Marathon. I’m continuing to document my taper tantrums and perhaps later laugh at some of the crazy stuff. 

Taper Craziness

I’ve been agonizing over the biggest race day decision – WHAT TO WEAR!!!!

With race day weather predicted to be hot, I feel like I should be able to pick something out of my summer wardrobe easily. But I’m still undecided. I know I will pair whatever singlet I pick with a skirt, most probably a black sparkly one that will go with anything but what singlet is the biggest question.

The PositiveScreen Shot 2017-10-13 at 10.20.30 PM

I came across this quote from a poem by Erin Hanson a few days ago and pondered on it.

What scares me of big goals is not the big goal itself. I will take on a challenge with spirit and throw myself heart and soul towards it. 

The weekly training is hard, but once I get going, that is the easy part. It takes commitment, but once you commit you show up day after day, week after week for the training, no matter how hard it gets. 

But race day itself – now that is another matter. That’s when the fear of failure rears its ugly head.

The fear of failure is debilitating. But the fear that I might not get to my goal at the Marine Corps Marathon should not be stopping me from attempting to take on the goal and give it my best everything (especially after having worked for it). Accepting that both failure and success are part of the process is what lets us truly try to achieve our goals. Give yourself the permission to succeed. 

So yes, what if I don’t make the goal? Oh, but my darling what if I did?

The Weather

The forecast seems to be stuck at highs of 78-79F , so I guess that’s what we will get on race day. But I will still hope and cross my fingers for a cold front. 





Read about my taper craziness through other days

9 Days to MCM – If it doesn’t challenge you
10 days to MCM – Must do, Can do, Will do

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