4 Weeks to London – Training Recap

4 Weeks to London – Training Recap

I’ve been so so busy of late that I’ve quite neglected to write. So, in order to not lose the thread, I’m going to let my photos describe my weekend long run and training recap.  

It was the first big weekend – 20 miles! I had a Cinderella deadline time but got lucky  when crazy ultra runners Joy and Laura joined me at 5am for the 20 miles. Joy drew up the route and it was to be a 4 park route, all along the Chattahoochee River.   

For reasons unknown, I had really bad GI distress for the first 7 miles – 3 restroom breaks and quesy stomach with cramps, not to mention dead legs that refused to move. 

Atleast the path was next to hidden gems like this right under the bridge I drive on everyday!

I debated abandoning the run at 8-9 miles and starting over the next day. While really really temping, I decided to push on, especially when I might be in the same unfortunate condition on race day – with jet lag legs and a crappy stomach. And since my stomach was literally empty, there could be no other danger. Joy and Laura also made me empty half my water so I wasn’t carrying quite as much weight. 

Luckily, I pulled through after 12 miles and finished the 20 strong! 
Doesn’t look like I had had some really bad miles just minutes before, does it?

 The weatherman had promised sunny and a high of 79F – lies!! It was cloudy and sprinkled rain all morning after the sun came up, another misnomer since we never saw the sun all day. 

Sunday Trail Running

I had the best running buddy I could ask for, especially on the trails. She absolutely loves running on trails!   
We were rewarded with this friendly fella, so close to the trail that we could’ve reached out and patted. 


And so that was … A week of 20+3 miles to finish my 40 mile week. 

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