Dec 24th, Christmas Eve is a day I don’t think I will ever forget.
2 years ago, as the first training day to the ING Georgia Half Marathon, I took my first running step. I whined more than I ran. And I started this blog to keep records and not go insane with all that running.
What a madhouse 2 years its been.
My first year – I completed the 13.1 miles (crying the last 3 miles in pain), I completed a sprint triathlon (I didn’t drown even though I came in last in the swim in my AG), I didn’t run much all summer until I signed for my 2nd 13.1, and then ended the year by breaking 3hrs! Somewhere that fall, I started liking running.
My second year – All consumed by one goal – CHICAGO MARATHON! Every mile, every run was dedicated to that goal. Even before the training season started. Joining Get Fit Atlanta and meeting some awesome folks only made me more dedicated towards that goal.
Goal completed and moving on forward – I ran 16 miles on my anniversary. 16 easy, steady, slow miles. Enjoying everybit of it. Feeling like a real runner. A slow one, but a proper runner neverthless.
All in training for New Orleans Mardi Gras Marathon on March 4th, and with none of that whining and headbeating that followed when I signed up for that first fateful race.